About Me

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I’m Wendy, and am very concerned about climate change and environmental conservation. Through my Green Planet Eating blog, I hope to influence people to think about ways they can grocery shop, cook and eat sustainably. I encourage people to cook and eat vegetarian meals because plant agriculture impacts the environment less than animal agriculture does. 

When I first started the GreenPlanetEating blog in 2012, I was personally trying to reduce the amount of meat I ate. Since then, some members of my family have become strict vegetarians, while others still enjoy eating meat regularly. Over the years, by gradually reducing the amount of meat I eat, my tastes and cravings have changed. 

Food waste is another issue related to environmental degradation. Throwing away food means that environmental resources were wasted in producing that food. Furthermore, if food ends up in the garbage and ultimately a landfill, it contributes to carbon emissions which lead to global climate change. By thinking about how to use leftovers so that you have less food waste, you will reduce your carbon footprint and your impact on Earth. 

Many people find vegetarian cooking a challenge, because it is outside of their comfort zone and the way they are used to cooking. I have been thinking about ways to satisfy carnivorous tastes while eliminating or reducing the use of meat in meal preparations. Since I often cook for groups that include both carnivores and vegetarians, I am always thinking of ways to begin a dish with vegetarian ingredients and create two versions—one vegetarian and one with meat—in an easy way.  I aim to share recipes and ideas to help others eat and cook in more sustainable ways. If each of us thinks about how our food choices impact the environment, we can contribute towards preserving —and keeping green—our planet. That is Green Planet Eating!